"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." ~the Grey Pilgrim

Take a peek, into my world!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


After much reading, perusing reviews, one trial of a Sunbeam, and an entire afternoon driving all over Onalaska to look at breadmachines...and finding NONE!...my own Zojirushi is finally on its way here...

Mama has the big one, but Hunny and I decided to try the small one. We don't go through that much bread, and we hope that the smaller 1-lb loaves will allow a bit more flexibility to try some different speciality breads too!

So, we'll see how it goes...Hunny has been so great regarding all of this! He has been willing to start trying some different breads, and is willing to try some whole wheat bread once we get the Zo!

One small step closer to warm, whole-wheat bread baked from fresh ground wheat!


Anonymous said...

hunny HOPE ill love whole wheat bread as she does.. ill never love whear bread.. but i have progressed from white bread to whole grain white, to 12 grain bread ich is actually better than almost all the store bought whole wheat and im enjoyibg the 12 grain .. for me what the bread machine means is PUMPKIN BREAD YUM!

knittinglane said...

Have you enjoyed your bread machine? Kirk got me a Zoji several years ago and I LOVE it!!