"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." ~the Grey Pilgrim

Take a peek, into my world!

Monday, November 17, 2008

ummm....ya think?

Ok, I normally don't worry about what little starlets think or what they say to all their adoring fans via entertainment media, but this one was just TOO good to pass up!

Taylor Swift ~ beside the fact that her music is NOT my style, and I still haven't figured out how she is defined as "country," apparently she is hugely popular...AND likes to air dirty laundry about old flames. So, in her own words...

I’m thumbs down-ish about boys...I’ve had a lot of guys complain about things I say either about them in songs or things I say about them in the press. I think it’s kind of fun to call out your ex-boyfriends. Why do this if your not going to take the opportunity to always have the last word, it’s so much fun.

Now, word of advise, little girl...there's an obvious reason for boy-trouble here. Last word is one thing, in private; but aired on the radio is definitely a different story!

Oh, and just fyi, that's NOT the point of fame, dearie...I do think that it has all gone to your head. Get the stars out of your eyes...your moment in the sun will come, and go, as it has for so many others, and when that time comes, the reflection in the mirror will be a lonesome, cold comfort.

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