"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." ~the Grey Pilgrim

Take a peek, into my world!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SOUP! It's what's for dinner!

Well, this will sound ridiculous, but this gal is pleased as punch with herself!

Tonight was successful! My wonderful hunny rated my first slow-cooker soup a success! YAY!

Never a big soup eater as a child, here in Wisconsin, I have truly discovered the joy of a wonderful, warm bowl of filling soup. So, today, a simple recipe turned into a yummy supper for us...though there is a HUGE amount left.

Planning variations is already in my mind...add some potatoes, count down on the amount...oh, and GET A NEW MICROWAVE(!) for leftovers...

Yes, our faithful microwave, which my dearest cousin bought for my first apartment 10 years ago, finally bit the dust...and sure enough, magic smoke...no more microwave! :( So, hopefully on Thursday, we'll get a chance to get another one...AFTER I get Gabby looked at...

Poor Gabby has a "black eye"! That is, a broken headlight...so how, you say did she break a headlight? By running into a buck, of course! Yes, I hit a deer last night, driving home from the grocery store. :( Thank goodness for an Emergency Fund!

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